Software engineer with a passion for creating beautiful, people‑focused, and universally accessible platforms.

hey (at)

Tech Skills

Programming Languages: Go, Dart, C++, TypeScript, JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin, Python

Frontend Technologies: React/Preact, Flutter, Redux, CSS3/LESS/SASS, Tailwind, Webpack/Vite

Backend Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, GCP, HAProxy, NGINX, Ansible

Design Tools: Adobe Suite, Figma, Sketch, InVision


University of Colorado Boulder


Studied Computer Science with minors in Space and Technology, Arts, and Media with a 3.65 overall GPA and a 3.72 GPA in Computer Science.

Work Experience

Dapple Security

Senior Secure Software Engineer, April 2024-Present

  • Wrote Flutter, Swift, and Kotlin code to support alpha release of Dapple's passkey mobile application.
  • Architected and led implementation of Go-based API and server infrastructure for Dapple's beta product.
  • Led implementation of React-based admin interface for small business owners.

Scratch Foundation

Software Engineer, August 2022-August 2023

  • Maintained the Django and React-based Scratch website to support its online community of creative learners
  • Led implementation of the user interface for a new content moderation platform and participated in architecture conversations
  • Coordinated with cross-team localization working group to support new languages in the Scratch editor and website

Zoom Video Communications

Security Engineer, May 2020-July 2022

  • Designed an encoding scheme for data used in Zoom's end‑to‑end‑encryption implementation
  • Collaborated with a team of engineers to implement internal end‑to‑end‑encryption APIs for Zoom video calling in C++
  • Upgraded the security of Zoom's end‑to‑end‑encryption and integrated it with other Zoom products
  •  Contributed code for Zoom Email's end‑to‑end encryption functionality

Software Engineer (Keybase), August 2019-May 2020

  • Implemented dynamic app theming across the Keybase desktop and mobile applications
  • Created user interfaces for secure, end‑to‑end‑encrypted bots in Keybase chat based on mockups from design team
  • Evaluated Keybase application for needed accessibility and user safety improvements and made appropriate recommendations

The TORO Company (formerly Left Hand Robotics)

Software Engineer, Oct 2017-Jun. 2018, Aug. 2018-Aug. 2019

  • Built interfaces for customers to manage fleets of autonomous snow‑clearing and lawn‑mowing robots in React and Typescript
  • Designed and implemented a new fleet management dashboard for robots and iterated based on feedback from stakeholders and management
  • Used Kubernetes and Docker to dynamically scale microservices based on load

Lifelong Kindergarten Group

Engineering Intern, May 2016-Aug. 2016, Jun. 2018-Aug. 2018

  •  Migrated Django‑based pages to React
  • Implemented major redesigns of a custom site‑wide search page in collaboration with design team
  • Participated in QA testing ahead of the beta release of Scratch 3.0
  • Moderated the Scratch online community and created plans to engage more advanced users in the community
  • Helped build websites for and assisted with workshops at the 2016 and 2018 Scratch@MIT educator conferences held at the MIT Media Lab

Personal Projects

Creator, 2015-2017

Created, maintained, and handled devops for, a free service for web developers. At its peak, the service had over 500 million requests monthly, and was was one of the top 1 million sites on the internet according to the rankings on

Fonts used on this site are Minipax By Raphaël Ronot, Atkinson Hyperlegible, and Manrope