Software engineer with a passion for creating beautiful, people‑focused, and universally accessible platforms.
Programming Languages: Go, Dart, C++, TypeScript, JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin, Python
Frontend Technologies: React/Preact, Flutter, Redux, CSS3/LESS/SASS, Tailwind, Webpack/Vite
Backend Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, GCP, HAProxy, NGINX, Ansible
Design Tools: Adobe Suite, Figma, Sketch, InVision
Studied Computer Science with minors in Space and Technology, Arts, and Media with a 3.65 overall GPA and a 3.72 GPA in Computer Science.
Senior Secure Software Engineer, April 2024-Present
Software Engineer, August 2022-August 2023
Security Engineer, May 2020-July 2022
Software Engineer (Keybase), August 2019-May 2020
Software Engineer, Oct 2017-Jun. 2018, Aug. 2018-Aug. 2019
Engineering Intern, May 2016-Aug. 2016, Jun. 2018-Aug. 2018
Creator, 2015-2017
Created, maintained, and handled devops for, a free service for web developers. At its peak, the service had over 500 million requests monthly, and was was one of the top 1 million sites on the internet according to the rankings on
Fonts used on this site are Minipax By Raphaël Ronot, Atkinson Hyperlegible, and Manrope